Established since 2012 under National Accreditation Council’s Act 12 of 2004, Guyana-South America

Tuition & Fees

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4 Year M.D. Degree program:

Program No/Semesters Fees/Semester
Basic Sciences 5 Semesters U.S $ 6,500.00
Clinical Science 5 Semester U.S $ 6,500.00

5½ Year M.D. Degree program:

Program No/Semesters Fees/Semester
Pre-Med 4 Semesters U.S $ 5,000.00
Basic Sciences 5 Semesters U.S $ 6,500.00
Clinical Sciences 5 Semesters U.S $ 6,500.00

  Fees Schedule Per Semester Premed BasicScience Clinical Science
  Student Government Fee U.S $ 40.00 U.S $ 40.00 n/a
  Health / Malpractice Insurance

U.S $200.00

U.S $200.00 U.S $ 290.00

 Supplementary  Examination fee:                                    

Pre Med       USD 200/ Exam
Basic Science      USD 200/ Exam
Clinical Science      USD 300 / Exam

Tuition and Refund Policies;


 All tuition and fees from international students must be in US dollars. Tuition and fees must be paid before the commencement of each semester for Guyanese students. All international students must make payments before the process of acquiring visa begins.

No tuition or miscellaneous cash payments will be accepted in the offices. All money transactions and payments must be paid strictly through the bank.

A late tuition fee of US$ 100.00 will be charged to students after the tuition payment deadline with additional delays resulting in extra fines. Students attending classes without tuition payment will be marked as ‘absent' until the arrears are cleared and the fee is paid.

A US$150.00 fee will be charged for any check returned to the University due to any reason.

Administrative fee of US$50.00 is charged for all payments made via wire transfer and for all checks issued outside of Guyana.

RGUST reserves the right of changing its tuition & fee structure per circumstances and needs under the recommendation of its Board of Directors.

Tuition Refund:

For newly accepted students, seat deposit One thousand United States Dollar ($1000 USD), application fee One hundred United States Dollars ($100 USD) onetime registration fee of US$ 500 and credit evaluation fee (for transfer students) is non-refundable. Tuition Refund Policy applies to both National and International students.

RGUST’s refund policies for international students are as follows:

One week before commencement of classes  75%

Before the end of first (1st) week of classes   50%

After the end of week one (1)                              0%

Students interested in having a refund should return to their native country with the University’s permission and cancel their VISA. Once students are willing to return to their native country, they should inform the Office of the Registrar before the end of the 1st week. This will allow the University to start the process to cancel their visa and make arrangements for eligible refunds in accordance with the University’s Policy.  

Students should sign the Students Contract between the University and themselves after the 1st week of class is finished.

RGUST’s refund / withdrawal policies for Guyanese students are as follows: 

One week before commencement of classes              90%

Before the end of first (1st) week of classes               70%

Before the end of second (2nd) week of classes        50%

Before the end of third (3rd) week of classes              40%

Before the end of fourth (4th) week of classes             20%

After fourth (4th) week of classes                                       0%

Rajiv Gandhi University of Science and Technology’s Board of Directors reserves the right to change/adjust tuition fees whenever in their opinion such action is deemed necessary.

Financial Assistance for National ( Guyana ) Students:

RGUST's School of Medicine ,is offering a Limited Financial Assistance in Tuition to all new qualified national candidates( Citizens of Guyana only, not holding dual citizenships or residence abroad ) joining the MD degree programme as a one time only and non transferable.Financial assistance provided will cover Tuition Fee Only and is subjected to revew of the student's over all performance including academic standing and status with the University.The assistance will not cover any other fees.

The amount Offered in financial assistance will be covered by the University and will be for the complete duration of Student's education at RGUST's School of Medicine until his / her graduation.

If the student decides to withdraw from the programme or discontinue or transfer his / her education from RGUST's School of Medicine, the scholarship would be cancelled and the student would automatically become liable to pay the amount of assistance  provided by the university before requesting transcript or any other accademic documets.


More About
The University offers International Quality Education in the Field of Medicine, Humanities, Science and Technology. RGUST not only offers the best Education in the Caribbean but a unique campus Experience that allows Students the Opportunity to Mee.
Quick Contact
46-47, 3rd Street, UG Road,Cummingslodge,
East Coast Demerara Greater Georgetown, Guyana, South America.
Tele:(+592) 222 6075, 222 6076, 222 6077, 222 6078, 222 6079, 222 6080, 222 6081, 650 7981
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