Established since 2012 under National Accreditation Council’s Act 12 of 2004, Guyana-South America

Transfer Students

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Rajiv Gandhi University of science and technology welcomes students wishing to transfer from other institutions of higher learning. Such persons must meet all the admission requirements and complete remaining course work at Rajiv Gandhi University of science and technology to graduate.

Transfer Students are responsible for arranging with the institution they are currently attending to forward the official transcripts to Rajiv Gandhi University of science and technology . The Admissions Committee will decide which courses can be credited. Courses taken more than eight years prior to the application will be considered at the discretion of the Committee, unless Candidates obtained a Bachelor’s Degree.

Rajiv Gandhi University of science and technology welcomes students wishing to transfer from other institutions of higher learning. Such persons must meet all the admission requirements and complete remaining course work at Rajiv Gandhi University of science and technology to g.


More About
The University offers International Quality Education in the Field of Medicine, Humanities, Science and Technology. RGUST not only offers the best Education in the Caribbean but a unique campus Experience that allows Students the Opportunity to Mee.
Quick Contact
46-47, 3rd Street, UG Road,Cummingslodge,
East Coast Demerara Greater Georgetown, Guyana, South America.
Tele:(+592) 222 6075, 222 6076, 222 6077, 222 6078, 222 6079, 222 6080, 222 6081, 650 7981
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